Call for Submissions - Student Journal of Information Privacy (Maine Law)

Posted by William Simpson, community karma 27

I hope this email finds you well and that you are rested and ready for the start of the Fall Semester. I am reaching out to you today to announce the Student Journal of Information Privacy Law's Volume III call for submissions. SJIPL publishes exclusively student-authored work, providing a rare opportunity for current law students to publish in a scholarly journal outside of their home institution.

Submissions may be received via email at or via Scholastica. Submissions made during this time will be considered for publication in the annual Paginated Edition of our journal at the conclusion of the 2025 Spring Semester. We review these submissions on a rolling basis and will continue considering submissions until our journal is full.

This year, we are particularly interested in submissions that highlight the intersection of information privacy and housing / homelessness, which will be considered for inclusion in our journal as part of Maine Law's first-ever intersectional symposium. This symposium will elevate and celebrate scholarly works from all three of Maine Law's academic journals, and is anticipated to include an author speaking event in April 2025. Should we reach our funding goals, authors will be compensated for travel and lodging.

For additional information concerning submissions and requirements for Articles, please see our website at Submissions | The Student Journal of Information Privacy Law.

I sincerely hope you will consider publishing your work with our journal and that you will share this announcement with students to whom it may be of interest.

All the best, 

William Simpson
The Student Journal of Information Privacy Law
University of Maine School of Law