Call for Submissions: Georgia State Law Review Sympoisum Edition on Renewable Energy

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Dear Authors and Scholars,

The Georgia State Law Review invites you to submit articles or essays for Vol. 39, Issue 4 for publication in our Symposium Edition. We are looking for topics regarding energy law. This year’s Symposium strives to investigate the legal and regulatory infrastructure in place to handle the transition to renewable energy. Potential topics could include, but are not limited to, environmental justice in access to renewables, siting and permitting changes, and the realistic legal landscape that non-renewable energy industries must now face. Authors whose articles are selected will be invited to present their papers at the Law Review’s annual symposium on March 31, 2023, and their articles will be published in our Symposium edition in the Spring of 2023.

While we welcome submissions of any length, our preference is for articles around 10,000 words (including footnotes) so that we are able to cover a wide array of issues. Submissions and queries should be sent either via Scholastica to the Georgia State Law Review, or directly to the Law Review Symposium Editors, Dori Butler and Paul-Michael Haley, at

The submission deadline is November 11, 2022, however we will begin reviewing submissions on September 16, as so we encourage early submissions.

For more information, please see our website here. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Paul-Michael Haley & Dori Butler

Symposium Editors, Georgia State Law Review

Vol. 39

Georgia State University College of Law