Call for Submissions - Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy

Posted by Gabriella Pico, community karma 27
Cornell's Journal of Law and Public Policy is currently accepting submissions for publication in Volume 31 which is scheduled for publication in Fall 2021. Manuscripts with a word count of around 20,000 to 25,000 words are preferred. Submissions should be made via Scholastica and should include a CV and a cover letter. 

Please send any questions you may have to 
over 3 years ago

1 Comment

Carol Njoku, community karma 29
Please how can I submit my article to Cornell's Journal of Law and Public Policy?

over 3 years ago
Hello, thank you for expressing an interest in JLPP. You can submit your article through Scholastica's submission portal.
Gabriella Pico – over 3 years ago
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